
Cooperl科普利信 2020-07-13 14:33:28

Zhengbang Group's second batch of 1500 Nucleus GGP arrivedin Kunming


继第一批Cooperl科普利信集团旗下Nucleus 品牌的1020头曾祖代种猪(GGP),于3月8日顺利抵达昆明后,时隔4个月,在大家的共同努力下,第二批1500头GGP种猪乘两架包机分别于7月9号6点40分和7月10号7点30顺利抵达昆明长水国际机场。After the first batch of 1020 GGP arrived in Kunming successfully on March 8th, after 4 months, with the joint efforts of everyone, the second batchof 1500 GGP took two flights at 6:40am on July 9th and 7:30am on July 10th arrived at Kunming Changshui International Airport.





这次我们面临新的挑战,就是在新冠疫情肆虐的艰难时刻,客户无法亲自赴法选种,如何保证客户引种计划的顺利进行?经过多方面考量商议决定:尊重正邦集团专家的选猪要求,结合法国的数据库筛选,此次选种工作由Nucleus团队直接进行。 This time we are facing a new challenge,  at the difficult time with Covid-19,customers cannot go to France to select GGP by themselves. How to ensure and follow the customer’s important plans? After considerations and discussions,the decision is : to respect the pig selection requirements of Zhengbang Group's experts, combined with the selection database of France, the selection work been carried out directly by the Nucleus team.


在法国选种过程中,我们制定详尽完整的选种方案,列出每个育种场的详细信息并附带选种现场照片,选种工作严格遵守和客户达成的选种标准,选种期间跟客户紧密沟通,当天晚上给出白天的选种清单,高效,高质量完成选种工作,不辜负客户对我们的信任。In the process of GGP selection in France, we formulate a detailed and complete selection plan, listing the detailed information of each GGP selection farm and attaching the selection photos, the selection work strictly follow the selection standards as  customers required, communicate closely with the customers. Provide selection list  to customer right after the day of selection work, complete the selection efficient and high-quality , and do not disappoint customers' trust.




Selection GGP of Nucleus team

在法国隔离完,转运至法国巴黎Vatry (XCR) 机场过程中, 严格执行生物安全规范,全面消毒运输车辆,确保猪只健康,层层把关!In the process of transfer from quarantine to Paris VatryAirport (XCR), strict respect the bio-security regulations, fully disinfecting  the transportation vehicles to ensure the health of pigs and keep them under control of each steps!


在多方紧密合作和共同努力下,第二批1500头GGP种猪于7月9日和10日搭两架包机安全抵达昆明,经过现场检疫后,启程前往位于武定县的隔离场。With the close cooperation and joint efforts of many parties, the second batch of 1500 GGP arrived safely in Kunming on July 9th and 10th.  Will go to the quarantine farm in Wuding after on-site health inspection.


面对当前新冠状病毒的双重压力的严峻形势下,通过多方的共同努力,本次进口第二阶段再次得以顺利完成,尤其感谢正邦集团对Cooperl科普利信集团旗下Nucleus育种公司的信任,我们将继续秉持信念,在育种工作上继续前进,对中国猪业复兴出一份力。Face of double pressure of Covid-19, through the joint efforts of many parties, the second batch importation was successfully completed again,especially thanks for Zhengbang group confidence withNucleus , We will continue to uphol dour beliefs and continue progress breeding work to contribute to the revival of the Chinese pig industry.






Nucleus 同养猪生产者及肉品加工企业合作非常紧密,通过高质量的育种工作以及保持猪群的高健康水平,Nucleus 的目标是给养殖者和肉品加工者都非常满意的答案。 提供4个主要的品种,母系 : 大白,长白、父系: 皮特兰,杜洛克。Nucleus出口核心群种猪到世界各地。



